About Giant Steps
Giant Steps has been at the forefront of autism education and inclusion for nearly 45 years. Its intensive educational
and therapeutic programs, offered to students aged four to 21, are unique in Quebec and have been replicated
around the world.
With specialised services and educational programs for autistic adults, Giant Steps develops skills leading to employment, in all its forms, as well as greater independence at home and in the community. In addition, Giant Steps plays a vital role in autism research and training across all sectors.
Opened in September 2023, the Giant Steps Centre meets the changing lifespan needs of autistic individuals, their
families and professionals in the field.
Upcoming Events

Every year, following targeted intervention at our school, we transition students from our specialized program back into community schools.

We are the only school in Quebec to offer an inclusion program that allows our students to attend community schools with the support of our education professionals.

All new police officers hired in Montreal receive our First Responders Autism Training. Police and Fire and Rescue services across Canada use our online program.

Through collaborations with all major Quebec universities, we play a major role in the advancement of science and research.